Building a white-labeled Lit Component Library
I developed white-labeled Lit components for the inlang ecosystem, providing a universal solution for building apps quickly with good UX.
Building a component system across an ecosystem of apps is a nightmare!
Different stacks
Diverse design guidelines
Numerous stakeholders.
In this post, I want to provide a quick overview of how I resolved the issue with universal Lit components that can be utilized across the inlang app ecosystem. Throughout the process, I will also share insights and findings so that you can apply some of them to your projects.
The Requirements
Easy-to-use components with great UX
Needs to run in different frontend stacks (Solid.js, React, VSCode, …)
The components need to adapt to existing design guidelines.
It needs to be built quickly. Use stuff that is already there to roll out faster. (Well, because we are a startup)
I will use the <inlang-settings-component> to provide a more concrete example to guide you through my process.
The Solution: White-Labeled Lit Components
After a brief research, it became clear that we require UI components that can be rendered in any web interface. For instance, the settings component needs to operate in the following interfaces:
Sherlock - A VSCode extension that helps you extract translations from code
Fink - A Solid.js translation management app (will be React in the future)
Parrot - A Figma plugin that allows you to swap languages in your design
I quickly settled on Lit web components. It quickly checked some points for me:
It is built on web standards -> web components
Maintained by Google (Pretty enterprise stuff, so they won't drop it)
Shadow Dom with encapsulated styling and slots (makes it pretty flexible)
Can be rendered in almost any web scenario (SSR is a bit of a hack, but was not in scope for this project)
To avoid starting from scratch, I decided to use Shoelace as a base layer for the UI. Shoelace received a large crowdfunding campaign, so it should be maintained for a long time. One advantage is that we can customize Shoelace components using custom CSS properties and the part API. This way, we can ensure that apps can style the components as they wish and that the components won't feel out of place.
-> Alright, we can create stylable Lit components to render in any web interface. Additionally, we can leverage a UI library to expedite the rollout.
Integration with the inlang Ecosystem
The Inlang ecosystem provides apps with an SDK for managing data access. For instance, the settings component can retrieve settings and receive them in JSON format. These components are built to manage serializable properties, which means they can also be used in plain HTML.
This way, we also keep all kinds of query logic out of the components. The mental model of a component is simply to receive a JSON, edit the data, and dispatch an event with the new JSON. That means the component gets the settings json as a prop or attribute (depending on the stack) and rerenders on change.
// index.html
const element = document.querySelector('inlang-settings');
element.addEventListener("setting-changed", function(newSettings) {
To theme the component UI, you can partially use the shoelace custom CSS properties or access the part API of the shoelace components. Subsequently, the app developer simply needs to override the properties and "et voilà" - custom theming is achieved.
// style.css
inlang-settings {
--inlang-color-primary: "#0BA5E9",
--sl-input-backgound-color: "#FFFFFF",
--sl-input-color: "#000000"
For the development, I used Storybook. This enables you to build the components in isolation and allows me to write neat documentation and explain how to use the components.
The component in action
The following images show the settings component in the VSCode extension together with different VSCode themes.
Limits of Lit Elements
Rich Text Editors
A big bummer was when I realized that the Selection API in Shadow DOM is not yet standard in all browsers, making it nearly impossible to create advanced text editors (a key requirement for a different component). Luckily, the lit element architecture was flexible enough to slot a content-editable element into the component. This allowed it to be placed in the light DOM, where it functioned properly. To ensure it still had a good API, I wrapped the component in a Lit element with a disabled shadow root, where I did the needed wiring.
Only molecular components
As you might have noticed, the current component system does not deal with the atomic components of a design system (buttons, input fields, etc.). All of these elements are shoelace components. Additionally, the theme API comes from Shoelace, which makes it somewhat odd to use an inlang component with some Shoelace CSS properties. We also have to customize a shoelace button in every component, which is quite inefficient. However, I decided not to create an atomic layer for the components to avoid being delayed by rebuilding the shoelace library.
-> As mentioned, speed and delivering value are essential priorities in a startup.